Do you have what it takes to show Adobe® what's possible with their own software? Rock out a 15-second or less animation or motion graphic video of the Photoshop brand logo that illustrates the theme of "See What's Possible." The winning work must incorporate and close with the Adobe Photoshop logo and will be used by Adobe as part of an upcoming Photoshop marketing campaigns.
Enter at swp.cutandpaste.com where your work will be shown off in front of fellow designers, fans, recruiters, and potential clients.
Grand Prize
$20,000 and Adobe Creative Suite® 3 Master Collection
Five Finalists
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection
People's Choice Prize (public online voting)
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection
Prizes announced at Photoshop World on April 4, 2008
Check the site for deadline details.
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