The shootings on the campuses of Northern Illinois University and Louisiana Technical College this past week and the tragedy at Virginia Tech University last April brought a shocking reminder of how an ordinary, daily event can turn into tragedy. This tragedy illuminates, however, the generous human impulse to want to help those who have suffered loss.
In response to this tragedy, UCDA is orchestrating a poster project. We are asking members and designers to design a poster that reflects some aspect of campus violence--the shock of the event itself, the heroism of the survivors, or the importance of crisis preparedness.
This summer, UCDA's Designer magazine will feature the posters, and include them on the UCDA website. Each one-of-a-kind poster will also be on sale through an online auction.
How to Enter
To contribute a poster, please complete the entry form and email your poster file to info@ucda.com.
For More Information UCDA.com
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