Fire up your computer, open the design software of your choice and summon whatever vices aid your artistic genius. iStockphoto has teamed up with UPrinting.com and YouTheDesigner.com to launch the U-Printing International Poster Design Competition closing on March 21.
We’re kickin’ it iStock style with three rounds of visual voraciousness. Round one features vectors courtesy of iStock, round two is photos and round three is fonts. Artists will build upon the previous winner’s art.
Prizes include a 16GB iPhone, $250 U-Printing credit, 300 iStock credits and after three rounds the winning artwork will be published in a full-page ad in Print Magazine. Judges are from behance.com, designrelated.com, beautifuldecay.com, designfloat.com, freelanceswitch.com, colourlovers.com and rikcat.com.
Check out discussion about the competition on iStock’s forums or get straight to work on your masterpiece. Good luck!
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