“Each year we focus an issue of STEP on the subject of type. While it's easy to get caught up in the latest fonts or the tools we use to access and manipulate them, that's not all this issue is about. As Allan Haley, who guest-edited this issue's special type section, points out in his introduction on page 71, type's diversity is among its enduring attractions. So it's only fitting that in the articles about type that follow, the full range of human cultures, moods and technologies is explored with all the scrutiny and joy the subject deserves ..." { Read more }
In This Issue: May/June 2008
1: Gail Anderson: Versatile Typophile
2: For The Love Of Letterpress
3: Type Tips & Tricks: InDesign CS3
4: Wish You Were Here
5: Pro Practice: Tracking The Money, Part 1
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