Julia Hoffmann treks back to the ADC to talk about transitions from design to advertising, from traditional to interactive, from Pentagram to Crispin Porter Bogusky, and from New York City to Boulder, Colorado. She'll share her work, which - like her career, life, and location - is constantly in flux.
Prior to the 7:00 presentation by Hoffmann, Adobe presents a one-hour tutorial on Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium, led by Adobe Certified Trainer Scott Citron. One lucky attendee will win a copy of Adobe CS3 Design Premium at the end of Julia Hoffmann’s presentation.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
5:30 pm Adobe Workshop
7:00 pm Presentation
@ADC Gallery
106 West 29th Street, NYC
Tickets $20
ADC Members $14
Register by clicking here.
Questions: 212.642.1440 x10
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