Design and Advertising Competitions Call For Entries

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Design & Advertising Deadline May 14
Design & Advertising Competitions
Enter the most prestigious design and advertising competitions in the world.
Images from Advertising and Design Annuals 50
Enter Now
Promote your talent—enter the largest juried competitions in graphic design and advertising. If selected, your award-winning work will be beautifully reproduced in the 2010 Design and Advertising Annuals, and on the Communication Arts Web site, assuring a prominent place on the premier stage of the industry.
Why enter?
CA’s Award of Excellence is one of the most-coveted awards in the industry. If selected, winning places you in the highest ranks of your profession. Ask any creative director which competitions rank as the most influential, and they will place Communication Arts at the top of the list.
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Submission Guidelines and FAQs:
To Enter Online NOW:
Entries must be sumitted by May 14, 2010. Entries submitted after that date require a $10 per entry late fee. No entries will be accepted after May 28, 2010.
Annual Winners Online and in Print
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