Veer supports formal design education. (After all, you have to learn the rules before you can break them.) But, it’s more than that. At Veer, we seek to cultivate creativity, fuel ideas, and ignite a sense of passion for the profession — the same goals sought by design educators. We love the pure, unharnessed energy of original ideas and approaches to visual communications brought by the next generation of designers. It’s for these reasons that we’ve developed a program especially for students.
Qualifying students who enroll in the Veer Student Program receive a selection of free images and type, and substantial discounts when licensing elements for use in their projects. Students can access these elements and receive their discounts through a special account on the Veer web site.
We believe that by giving young designers access to Veer’s photography and type collections, we can help them achieve their goals, while educating them about the ethical use of creative elements, and the concepts of copyright and intellectual property. Many students will use stock in their professional careers; others may become photographers, illustrators, or type designers themselves. Volume quantities of Veer catalogs, specimen books, and other printed marketing materials are available to classes and schools upon request.
Plus we offer scholarships to directly support the studies of two deserving students each year and offer one student each year a summer internship with Veer’s award-winning creative team. Read the profiles of some of these up-and-coming student designers.
For more information on any aspect of the Veer Student Program or to submit your ideas or feedback, e-mail us at students@veer.com
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